How many servers have you played?hmm thats a total over all my times on servers id say 1 billion logins in total,i dont stay with a server for long unless its a fun one.servers visited are,in total,150?on my return i've visited maybe 5.before i left,i visited every one that was online lol.thats how i was known across private servers as Mod Love,the RSPS authority XD
Do you play any other servers besides this one?well,before i left for a year,i played 24 servers and helped maintain them all.
What do you like most about this forum/server?well,i'd have to say all the stalky-perviness lol.
How much do you play on this server?i play whenever i can,and whenever its online.
Why do you want to be a Admin/Co-owner?well,i feel that since i had co-owner on 24 servers,admin on 5,and mod on 1,i have enough experience,but thats all up to you...
Have you had any experience being a Mod on a different server?as i said,co on 24 servers...
Do you know how to code?*sigh* if i did i would have my own server...or id be helping here.sadly i cant code a fly onto a peice of shit.i know,weird way of saying it..
If there was a player that got on your nerves, would you mute them? Or would you just leave and ignore them?i would ignore them,but if they continued,i would warn them.if they continued,i would kick them,then warn them again.finally,i would mute.if they just pm'd me instead,(mute doesnt work with pm's on private servers),i would ban them after consulting someone of a higher rank,unless i was co,then i'd ban them for one day as a last warning.
How fast do you answer someone asking for help?if im in the middle of helping someone else,i'd tell the other to wait,unless it was an emergency.i head for the big ones first.
Would you help a person no matter how much you disliked them?Yes,i would,i feel that gaining trust is very important.
I hope you consider me for admin/co-owner,i love this server.
~Mod Love