How many servers have you played? 20
Do you play any other servers besides this one?not anymore
What do you like most about this forum/server?it dosent lag, people are nice, you cant duplicate items and the customs weps are beasty
How much do you play on this server?like 7 hours a day lol
Why do you want to be a Mod? well..... i help people alot, no matter wat im doing i will drop it to help them, anf im pretty knowledgeable about alot of things
Have you had any experience being a Mod on a different server? i was a mod on the real rs
Do you know how to code? no but if u tell me the basics i can do wonders
If there was a player that got on your nerves, would you mute them? Or would you just leave and ignore them? i would mute them if they were being a d bag to other players, other than that i would just accept the fact that im being anoyed
How fast do you answer someone asking for help?as soon as i read what they need help with
Would you help a person no matter how much you disliked them? yes they need help!!! and if you dont help them it gives kenoscape a bad rep
id be beasty if i was a mod so ya you know what to do