How many servers have you played?
Do you play any other servers besides this one?
no, i love this one
What do you like most about this forum/server?
it has alot of stuff that u cant get on other server
How much do you play on this server?
3-5 hours a day
Why do you want to be a Mod?
i want to try something new
Have you had any experience being a Mod on a different server?
yes, twice
Do you know how to code?
no, i wish
If there was a player that got on your nerves, would you mute them? Or would you just leave and ignore them?
only ignore if just asking me for an item or something like that but if it was cussing at me i would mute
How fast do you answer someone asking for help?
depends, if there annoying and spamming me.
Would you help a person no matter how much you disliked them?
of course i would help everyone but if they were asking for an item or annoying me i would'nt